- Myth of Not to fill gasoline (petrol) tank full in summer

- Myth of  Not to fill gasoline (petrol) tank full in summer

For the last couple of years, a message has been circulating in the name of Indian Oil Corporation Limited, warning people not to fill petrol up to the maximum limit in Car/two-wheelers, as there could be explosions as due to the heatEven some newspaper also further spread such news.

Irony is we accept what we read without applying our mind and simply forward such msgs further to friends and relatives in social media considering their safety. 

Explosion due to heat requires three things – fuel, suitable temperature or spark and oxygen (air) to support it. (The auto Ignition temperature  of Gasoline (Petrol) is  about  250 °C which is highly unlikely in normal weather conditions).  

Indian Oil has denied the rumour and issued following clarification
It is perfectly safe to fill the fuel in vehicles up to the limit (max.) as specified by the manufacturer irrespective of winter or summer.”


Indian ABP TV news channel has also investigated this issue in their popular “Viral Such” series Stating that the claim of explosion due to filling full gasoline tank is not true. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C_t89iHuak

Similar news spread in 2016 in the name of Qatar Civil defence authorities and subsequently - A fire spokesperson said, “it’s not true. No warning has been issued, and it’s not dangerous to fill up the car’s tank no matter what the temperature is. Cars have their own safety systems when it comes to petrol tanks.”In recent weeks, emails sent by unknown sources have needlessly scared the public across the UAE that cars with full tanks might burst.

Keywords: vehicle fuel Tank, Gasoline, Petrol Explosion,  Twitter,  IndianOil,  Qatar,  UAE,  auto ignition


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