Has Aviation fuel specification IS 1571 kept pace with International fuel specifications ?

Has Aviation fuel specification IS 1571  kept pace with International fuel specifications ? 

The latest Indian Jet A-1 specification IS 1571 -2017, ninth version is just out couple of months back.  It is aligned  with earlier version of British defence standard Def Stan 91 -091 (Issue 7 of 2011, 3rd amendment 2015), Aviation Fuel Quality Requirements for Jointly Operated System (AFQRJOS-Issue 28 March 2015) and ASTM D 1655-15c.  The major difference from earlier eight version of IS 1571: 2008  is given in blog https://rjpatelioc-petroleum.blogspot.com.au/2018/03/jet-1-aviation-fuel-specification-is.html

Further developments have taken place in base document after 2015 and International specifications are revised as follow:

- Def Stan 91 -091 -  Issue 8 of 26/08/2016 (not implemented),  Issue 9 of 03/10/2016
- AFQRJOS - Issue 29 – Oct 2016 
ASTM 1655 -  2015d, 2016a, 2016b,2016c, 2017, 2017a, 2018

Changes brought in above mentioned specifications are in practice internationally and yet to be brought into Indian specification of Aviation Turbine fuel. Is there any disadvantage in not aligning with the current International specifications?

Aviation is a global issue and aircraft fly from one country to other. Thus there is strong requirement that aviation fuel available globally should meet the aircraft requirement fully without any deviation for desired efficiency. Refineries need certain preparation time for manufacturing to a revised specification. Crude oil and other additives, raw material logistics need some advance planning, budgeting and implementation. Change in test methods for quality certification needs lab up-gradation, training etc.

In view of above, it is highly desirable that Indian Standard of Aviation fuels also keep pace with international developments and connected technical individuals take advance action to ensure Bureau of Indian Standards is able to do so timely.

Jet A-1 Aviation Fuel Specification IS 1571 in India & Its historic Development

List of all blog articles on Petroleum QC  by RJ Patel.

Key Words : Jet A-1 specification, IS 1571, AFQRJOS, ASTM,  D 1655,  



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