
Showing posts from March, 2018

Aviation Turbine Fuel and British Airways Flight 38 Accident - Accident details - Part 2

Aviation Turbine Fuel and British Airways Flight 38 Accident - Accident details - Part 2 This is in continuation of  “Aviation TurbineFuel and British Airways Flight 38 Accident - part 1” , a blog series for understanding Aviation turbine fuel’s role in modern civil flights specially behavior of water in fuel to mitigate it’s adverse effects during flight, including at high altitude where water will turn into ice. Accident details: The aircraft used for the flight was Boeing 777-236ER G-YMMM (manufacture's serial number 30314 powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent 895-17 engines. The aircraft first flew on 18 May 2001 and was delivered to British Airways on 31 May 2001. It had seating capacity for 233 passengers. BA -038 barely cleared Motor way A30 and suddenly manage to halt at the Runway starting end.  Flight 38's route took it over Mongolia, Siberia and Scandinavia, at an altitude which varied between 34,800 and 40,000 ft ( FL 348–40...

Aviation Turbine Fuel and British Airways Flight 38 Accident - Part 1

Aviation Turbine Fuel and British Airways Flight 38 Accident    - Part 1 British Airways Flight 38  ( call sign   Speedbird  38 ) is a scheduled flight operated by  British Airways  from Beijing, China to London, United Kingdom. On January 17, 2008, at 12:42  London time , the  Boeing 777  used for the flight, having completed the 8,100-kilometre trip, crashed just short of the runway at its destination. There were no casualties but from the 152 people on board, 47 people sustained injuries, one of them serious. This  aircraft was the first  Boeing 777-200ER  to be  written off  in the model's history. Ice crystals in the aviation  fuel  were blamed as the cause of the accident, clogging the fuel-oil  heat exchanger  (FOHE) of each  engine . This restricted fuel flow to the engines when thrust was demanded during the final approach to Heathrow. Boeing identifi...

Jet A-1 Density conversion to 15 C from observed temperature without ASTM tables

Jet A-1 Density conversion to 15 C from observed temperature without ASTM tables  Globally Oil industry Quality Manuals specify certain tolerance density variation for petroleum products like Gasoline, Diesel fuels, Aviation fuels etc, between density of dispatched products and density of received product. As long as this density difference remains less than permitted variation, the product is accepted in the system. List of all blog articles on Petroleum QC  by RJ Patel. In India, for Aviation products, this quality control variation in density number is +/- 2.5 kg/m 3  against JIG specified variation +/- 3.0 kg/m 3 maximum. During Aviation products transfer from one place to another using Ocean tanker, pipeline, Rail T/Ws, Road Tank Truck etc. Density at 15 deg C is recorded at despatch and receipt end.  A simple way of converting observed density from ambient temperature to 15 deg C has been developed, without ASTM tables , using simple ...

IS 1571-Jet A-1 Specification - difference between current (2017) and previous version (2008)

IS 1571-Jet A-1 Specification - difference between current (2017) and previous version (2008) AVIATION TURBINE FUELS, KEROSENE TYPE, JET A-1 — SPECIFICATION IS 1571 Ninth Version has been published recently by Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi as IS 1571 : 2017  replacing earlier version of 1571:2008.    Chronologic development of IS 1571 since 1960 can be read at Major differences between these are tabulated below: S.No Characteristic 2017 Spec Ref IS1571:2017 IS1571:2008 Remarks 1 UK DEF Stan Specification     ASTM D 1655 AFQRJOS (Aviation fuel quality requirements for jointly operated system) Foreword Foreword Foreword Aligned with DEF Stan 91-91 /Issue 7 Assistance derived from ASTM D1655-15c Assistance from AFQRJOS – Issue 28 March 2015 A...