Difference between Colourless and Straw yellow Jet A-1 properties
Difference between Colourless and Straw yellow Jet A-1 properties As given in last blog article normally colour of Jet A-1 is either colourless, straw/yellow or a very little shade of blue, pink or red. Reason for each colour was explained in the article. Colour of Aviation turbine fuel depends upon a) composition of crude oil & 2) Refinery processes used in refining the crude. (Read in detail How the Aviation turbine fuel colour is colourless or straw/Yellow? ) . In this article we deal with differences between Colourless and straw yellow coloured fuel properties. 1. Straight Run product Straight run product is referred as Jet A-1 obtained straight from Atmospheric distillation unit in refinery or derived from natural Gases condensate liquids. Such Jet A-1 consist of natural original hydrocarbons of crude oil or natural Gases condensate liquids as existing in the earth and separated from it by only physical pro...