- Relationship between Flash Point and Front-end Distillation data of petroleum products, (a Scholarly article)
- Relationship between Flash Point and Front-end Distillation data of petroleum products, The relationship between Flash Point and Atmospheric front-end Distillation data of petroleum products, normally recorded during the routine testing are correlated during 1986 – 1988 period by a team (S/S RJ Patel, PD Dusane, NS Kamble, SK Shukla at IOC Kandla Laboratory ). The idea was originated from similar literature that time, W.L. Nelson ( Petroleum Engineering, pg 131, edition 1982, initially put forward in year 1944). Team under the leadership of the author of this blog could work out a most improved/accurate empirical relationship as given below: Predicted Abel Flash Point FP = 0.613*IBP + 0.193*T 10 - 84.0 . ( all temperatures in deg Centigrade, C ). Where, FP = Abel Flash Point deg, C IBP= Initial Boili...