
Showing posts from February, 2017

Density conversion to any temperature say 20 C, 15 C or any desired temperature from any observed temp

Density conversion to any temperature say 20 C, 15 C or any desired temperature from any observed temp Some of the countries like Russian block follow standard temperature 20 deg C as compared to Commonwealth countries which have standard temperature 15 deg C.  The calculator developed for conversion of Density from observed temperature to 20C or 15C or any desired temperature is thus very handy.   It may be noted that the calculator is for finished petroleum products and uses ASTM tables 1952 version for this conversion. For Excel Worksheet you may contact by email to and specify your clear requirement as per the title of this post. Follow me on twitter @RJPatel13 to get notification when my new post is available in my blog. Author's Profile List of all blog articles on Petroleum QC  by RJ Patel.

- Flash Point- Density blending Calculator

- Flash Point- Density blending Calculator Density is an additive property while Flash Point is a non-additive Property. When two different batches are mixed,  usually this is the case when a new batch of products received in a tank having already some of the remaining product of earlier batch. The calculator is very handy to predict the likely flash point of commingled / mixed product.  Also, this can be used to know the quantity of new batch to be blended/required to get the desired flash point when the earlier product is having undesired flash point.  Industry has to manage many products batches having slightly less than the specification flash point, resulted due to small contamination of volatile product like naphtha, gasoline etc in Kerosene, Jet fuel, diesel fuel etc.  Example is given in the second image below: Flash point Calculator may not give correct blend value if one of the products has significant contamination of volatile hydro...

- Calculator - Blending Petroleum Products

Updated 18 FEb 2017 Calculator - Blending Petroleum Products, using formula An excel calculator for blending of Petroleum Products is available by email. The calculator is very simple to use and avoids calculation errors when it is done manually using normal calculator, in working  with formula, saves time and does not require repeat checking. If you need, Request by email to Item No. - 301, Item Name : Calculator - Blending Petroleum Products.   For Flash Point blending calculation,  you can refer following Link: For Flash Point blending excel worksheet refer following link. For Kin. Viscosity blending Calculator excel worksheet refer following link

- Myth of Petroleum Products Flash Point -Test Methods Part 2 of X

(Post revised last on 18 Feb 2017) - Myth of Petroleum Products Flash Point  -Test Methods  Part 2 of X What is Aviation Turbine Flash Point  ? Answer:   can be  Jet A-1 Flash Point is 39 deg C for this batch. But the above answer is not perfect precise answer .  Why ? Something is missing in above answer.  What is that ?  do you need any supplementary aspects to be provided with above sentence ? Yes,  one must mention the test method along with Value. ex. Flash Point of Jet A-1,ex Flash Point of Jet A-1 is 39 deg C   by IP-170 test method  or  41 deg by Tag method D 56. Why the need of additional details of mentioning test method. ?   Is result same by all Flash Point test methods like Abel  IP -170  PMCC  D93 ,  Tag ASTM 56  etc. No,  the results are different with different test methods, this is so Flash Point value achieved by testing is a function of prec...